Electromagnetic Flow Meter Manufacturer in India

Burak Metering is a leading Flow meter manufacturer in India , specializing in the design and manufacture of high-quality flow measurement instruments for various process applications. The company offers a wide range of flow meters and controllers, utilizing various flow technologies to provide precise and accurate measurements. Electromagnetic Flow Meter One of the flow meter technologies offered by Burak Metering is the electromagnetic flow meter. Electromagnetic flow meter s are designed to measure the flow rate of electrically conductive liquids in pipelines. These flow meters are widely used in many industries, such as water treatment, chemical processing, and food and beverage, among others. The basic principle of electromagnetic flow meters is Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. According to this law, when a conductive liquid flows through a magnetic field, it generates a voltage proportional to the flow rate. This voltage is detected by electrodes within the meter a...